James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Aquatic Animal Ecophysiology


Prerequisites: Consult HOS
Inadmissable Subject Combination: AQ3007

26 lectures, 2 seminars, 20 hours practicals. Second semester.

Available to students enrolled in the Graduate Diploma, Masters of Applied Science and Masters programs.

Staff: Dr T Anderson.

The relationships between important environmental parameters and the physiology of aquatic animals. Emphasis will be on how the animals’ adaptations relate to their ability to cope with their environment, whether it is a managed environment such as in aquaculture, the natural environment or a disturbed environment.

This subject shares lectures, tutorials and practical classes with AQ3007.

Learning Objectives:

  1. appreciate the important environmental parameters that influence animals;
  2. appreciate the particular characteristics of aquatic environments and their impact on aquatic animal physiology;
  3. appreciate the physiological adaptations of aquatic animals to their environment;
  4. demonstrate competence in experimental techniques of aquatic animal physiology;
  5. demonstrate familiarity with the important literature in the field of aquatic animal physiology.

Assessment by examination and assignments.
