James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Exhibitions and Museum Curatorship

Townsville, Cairns

Inadmissable Subject Combination: AN3101

12 lectures, 6 tutorials, 20 hours practicals. July intensive block mode (Townsville campus); first semester (Cairns campus).

Staff: Dr M Wronska-Friend.

The lectures and tutorial topics introduce students to the principles of museum curatorship, especially the duties and responsibilities of museums’ curators in regard to the policies and procedures of collection management and the principles of exhibition organisation. During the practical classes students implement this knowledge in a practical way by organising an exhibition in the School’s Museum Gallery. Throughout the semester students have access to the resources of the Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to become aware of the principles of artefacts presentation and interpretation in the museum context;
  2. understand the theoretical foundations that impact on presentation and interpretation of objects;
  3. to learn the steps necessary in planning and organising an exhibition;
  4. to become aware of the ethical responsibilities in curator’s work;
  5. to learn the principles of collection management, especically preventive conservation.

Assessment by essay (30%); portfolio (30%); exhibition project (40%).
