James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Anthropology 1A: Discovering Anthropology

Townsville, Cairns

26 lectures, 12 tutorials, 12 films. First semester and flexible delivery.

Staff: Professor B Kapferer, Dr R Henry, Mr C Morgan (Townsville campus); Dr M Fuary (Cairns campus).

This subject introduces students to the discipline of anthropology. Major topic areas discussed include the nature of social anthropology, cultural diversity, kinship, politics and religion. Anthropological concepts and theories are introduced within the context of detailed case studies.

Learning Objectives:

  1. acquire ability to identify issues and subject areas associated with anthropology;
  2. understand and appreciate other human societies and cultures;
  3. critically question many assumptions concerning one’s own society;
  4. identify key anthropological texts and authors, as well as be able to outline their arguments;
  5. discuss anthropological ideas, concepts and theories with others and articulate these in written form.

Assessment by tutorial attendance and participation (10%); assignments (15%); essay of no more than 2,000 words (25%); a two-hour end of semester examination (50%).
