James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Piano Accompaniment 2


HECS Band 1

26 hours workshops, 52 hours practicals. Full year.

Staff: Mr R Daniel.

This subject will involve advanced training in a variety of piano accompanying skills, including vocal, strings, woodwind, brass and percussion accompaniment. Students enrolled in this subject will work closely with instrumentalists and/or vocalists within the music degree and undertake a series of practical exercises in a variety of performance contexts.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop advanced skills in accompaniment rehearsal and performance techniques;
  2. attain detailed knowledge of piano accompaniment repertoire and styles;
  3. enhance pianistic and musical skills through the assimilation of a variety of keyboard techniques and methods.

Assessment by attendance and participation at lectures (20%); two examined accompaniment performances (40%); 1500-2000 word essay (40%).