James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2001


Adolescent health.
Adolescent mental health.
Applied research methods.
Applied social psychology: social representations, beliefs and values.
Automatic and controlled information processing.
Behavioural medicine.
Behavioural psychotherapy.
Categorisation as a model for the organisation of information in memory.
Circadian rhythms.
Cognitive behavioural interventions.
Cognitive intervention in an aged population.
Community planning.
Cross-cultural psychology: self, emotion, coping and mental health.
Drug and alcohol abuse and their relationships with cognitive and physiological factors.
Drugs and human performance.
Electrophysiological study of face recognition in children.
Emotion management.
Environmental conservation and behaviour change.
Environmental impact assessment and planning.
Environmental perception, valuation and assessment.
Evaluation of a self-help program for problem gamblers.
Event-related cortical activity and stages of cognitive processing.
Evolution of behaviour.
Facilitating group processes.
Gambling behaviour.
High-speed memory scanning.
Human visual perception — particularly stereopsis.
Human-machine interface.
Indigenous mental health.
Interpersonal interactions among children, adolescents and parents in school and family settings.
Lateral inhibition in neural network models of semantic memory.
Legislation covering government health warnings on tobacco products.
Leisure activities and satisfactions.
Melatonin as a timing hormone (ageing, depression etc).
Natural disaster perception and response.
Neuropsychological and cognitive factors in psychiatric and medical disorders.
Non-verbal communication.
Nurses, shiftwork and health outcomes.
Occupational choice and career interests.
Occupational stress and relationship to health and illness. The role of personality in illness and health. Psychopathology and illness in the community and the relationship with social forces. The development of causal models with large data sets linking social variables with psychopathology.
Organisation development.
Performance psychology/arts medicine: psychological factors affecting the health and performance capabilities of performing artists.
Political activism.
Post-natal depression.
Primary and preventive health care interventions.
Process in cognitive behaviour therapy.
Psychological interventions and medical problems.
Psychophysiological and biochemical correlates of the expectation and consumption of alcohol.
Psychosocial aspects of familial stress.
Recreational environmental design.
Residential environmental design.
Seasonal affective disorder.
Self-injury and suicide behaviours.
Social and emotional development of young children.
Social correlates of substance use.
Social psychology of attitudes and group processes, particularly in the sphere of political beliefs and behaviour: the study of racial and gender stereotypes, women’s issues, inter-group relations and modern sexism.
Social representations and understandings of lay and academic psychology.
Soft systems methodology.
Sport and exercise psychology.
Stress and coping models and interventions.
The acquisition of orthographic information in children learning to read and spell.
The application of stress inoculation training to cyclone preparation.
The psychopathology of stress and the cognitive correlates of psychopathology.
The relationship between semantic memory and lexical memory.
Transcultural psychology, migration effects and the psychology of cultural identity.
Weather, mood and behaviour.
World Heritage environmental management.